Community Association Managers vs. Property Managers: What is the Difference?


One of the most common misconceptions among homeowners is the idea that Property Managers and Community Association Managers are one and the same. While they might share a few specific responsibilities, they are distinctly different professions. This distinction is important to make as it can cause serious problems when state legislatures pass laws that affect the industry based on this false assumption.


Property Managers:

Property Managers spend most of their time dealing with tenants and reporting directly to the owner of a rental unit or units. The properties they spend their time on range from apartment complexes to vacation homes. Their day-to-day responsibilities include collecting rent, showing vacant units to prospective tenants, and arranging repairs for items inside the unit. Their main focus is to ensure that the maximum number of properties are rented with the highest possible revenues.


Community Assocation Managers:

Community Association Managers on the other hand, are hired by the Board of directors of an association and work for the Board and the owners. They can manage every type of community, including condominium associations, homeowner associations, and resort communities. The Board provides them with their responsibilities within the community as a whole, which can vary based on the management agreement and governing documents. The primary functions of the Community Association Manager include assisting in developing and executing budgets, presenting financial reports to Board members, site inspections, upholding governing rules, dispute resolution, and common area maintenance. Common areas include pools, parks, entrance gates, tennis courts, and other amenities. On behalf of the Associations, the Management Company is there to ensure smooth operations for various vendors and service providers that are contracted by the Association’s Board of Directors.


The Difference.

Tasks shared by Property Managers and Community Association Managers include basic maintenance duties such as trash removal and pool upkeep, but the similarities end there. Community Association Managers oversee and direct all aspects of running the business and therefore must have a comprehensive knowledge of the business operation and all applicable laws. This knowledge base is what separates them from the property manager and allows them to personally ensure that an entire community operates as efficiently and successfully as possible.